Training and helping investors.

Intro Video



Years in the industry

Revenue per year

INVESTORmat is an investment project that aims to help you earn passive income.

Investment management, creating/maintaining an investment portfolio, forming your own pension fund can be mastered by everyone. We show in practice and teach how it can be easy.

The main principles we uphold.

  • A successful Investor is usually not one who has invested once a million dollars, but one who has invested small amounts, but regularly.
  • Player - bets the entire amount on one asset, Investor - distributes the amount among different assets.
  • The earlier you start investing, the more your capital can achieve.
  • A good Investor always has a Plan B and a Plan C, D, E….

Strict adherence to these principles in itself makes you an Investor. But we don't stop there. Like in Next section


Investment plans


~20 %/year

  • Property
  • Stocks
  • Crypto assets

  • Risk - 10%


~40 %/year

  • Stocks
  • Crypto assets
  • Startups

  • Risk - 30%


~50-100 %/year

  • Crypto assets
  • Startups
  • Trading instruments

  • Risk-50%

Investment available to all!

We would love to one day live in a society where there is no mortgage or loan debt, where citizens manage their own savings and income without resorting to banks or other financial institutions.

However, today it is generally accepted that only banks, "cool" specialists and huge investment funds can fulfill the role of managing the funds and savings of the population.

By attracting investments, showing and explaining how they are used, we want to show how everyone can become an investor and earn passive income.

When a bank invests, the bank wins; when an individual invests, the whole community wins.

Have you ever wondered why over time the banks get bigger and richer, while the main part of society gets poorer? Maybe because the society is not taught the rules of investing?

  • When the bank invests, the proceeds from the investment are returned to the bank.
  • When a citizen invests, the returns from that investment are much more efficient and positive for the economy than banking.
  • All theories about the positive role of banks for society, the economy and development have not stood the test of time.
  • Only a society where everyone manages their own investments and follows the basic rules of money management can withstand any crisis.

This is why we oppose the current banking system and are not interested in working with any bank. We would like to improve the fortunes of a thousand people, not just one bank.

Diversity of assets and new financial instruments.

As an Investment Fund registered in a fairly loyal jurisdiction, we are not so strictly limited in our choice of forms of investment. That is why we have in our arsenal tools that are not available to banks, as well as those that are considered high-risk or unpromising. Depending on the investment plan (which you can choose after authorization), your funds will be distributed in accordance with the rules of the plan.

Combining various forms of investment, we try to offer the best solutions, depending on your expectations and acceptable risk level.

We also keep track of new investment products on the market and add those that may be useful to you.

If you decide to invest, be sure to read our investment recommendations!

  • Firstly, always invest only your own funds. It is considered bad practice to borrow or borrow money to invest.
  • Secondly, please note that an investment invested in a number of instruments or objects cannot always be returned instantly. Read carefully the conditions for each type of investment, what part of the investment you can return in what period of time.
  • Third, some of your assets may require your identification to be assigned to you. Identification is not related to providing data to the tax authorities. It is your responsibility to pay taxes.

If you have any questions, please contact us.


Popular Assets


Purchasing shares and real estate in the most demanded regions (Dubai, Portugal, Turkey, etc.)


The second most popular asset in the portfolios of classic investors. Top stocks are a must have for every investor.

Business and STARTUPs<

Venture capital investments, when done right, can yield big returns in a short amount of time.

Crypto assets

Depending on the selected risk level, we add established or new, but promising coins to the portfolio.


Considered a risky asset, but not in the hands of professionals who strictly follow their own strategy.

Intellectual Property

Business ideas, copyrights or new technology are promising and profitable assets.